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CORO is one of India's leading FoodTech Platform for Hyperlocal
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CORO se orderCORO na!
CORO is one of India's leading FoodTech Platform for Hyperlocal
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We help you to connect with nearby merchants in a single click
We don't charge any commission from merchants so you get the same price mentioned on their menu card
No more calls asking “Bhaiya.. Menu me kya hai?!”. Access the complete menu & place your order in a single click
We have also enabled digital khata in this app so one can clear their dues on a monthly basis
Since Merchants are located nearby so you don't have to wait more for delivery. Take-away, Dining & Delivery options are also available
All important updates related to your business park or nearby area are published under the 'Explore' section on a daily basis
We help you to connect with nearby merchants in a single click
We don't charge any commission from merchants so you get the same price mentioned on their menu card
No more calls asking “Bhaiya.. Menu me kya hai?!”. Access the complete menu & place your order in a single click
We have also enabled digital khata in this app so one can clear their dues on a monthly basis
Since Merchants are located nearby so you don't have to wait more for delivery. Take-away, Dining & Delivery options are also available
All important updates related to your business park or nearby area are published under the 'Explore' section on a daily basis
Register yourself on the CORO app and choose your location by enabling location permission or by choosing manual.
If any merchant who is associated with us is present in that respective area then the same will be listed under 'Nearby Merchant' section. By clicking on the merchant icon you will be able to view their complete menu items and can start selecting items of your choice.
On the cart page you will be asked to enter your delivery address. Once your association with the respective address is verified then you will be allowed to place your order without any validation and the same will be treated as verified address. Also, if you are not a verified user then also you can place an order for items and the same will be treated as unverified order and has certain validations from the merchant side.
All order related details will be shown under the 'History’ tab. Also, You will be able to track your orders and if you need any kind of help then that option is also provided.
In this tab you will be able to read about all important activities happening nearby.
Under the khata section you will be able to see month wise pending dues from your respective merchants and status of the same will be changed on clearing that due amount.